Many times in my life, things just don’t turn out the way I plan them. This is how the renovation is turning out.
Plan A: We’ll sell our house and have enough money for the renovations we need! Nope. The economy is not on our side.
Plan B: I’ll get all my painting done this summer. Ba ha ha ha ha!!
Plan C: Let’s do the floors first. (See plan D.)
Plan D: Yikes, the sink and toilet are clogging and the toilet is also leaking. . . maybe we should renovate the bathroom first. *Requests quotes from contractors, only one answers her email.*
Said contractor says they cannot do a quote until we test for asbestos. We are 95% sure our insulation is asbestos. Fun.
*Proceeds to get testing done.* The testing guy says our plaster and popcorn ceiling also probably have asbestos. $h!t is about to get really expensive.
Plan E: Everything has asbestos. Wonder how many years you may have inadvertently knocked off of your life. Console yourself with the fact that at least you’re not a smoker? Surely that must be worse?
Plan F: Suffer until the economy improves. Slap paint on things as time allows so it at least looks nice in the meantime.
If you’ve been wondering why I’ve been lax about posting lately, this is why. Our family has had so much upsetting news lately (both about the renovation and other more important things that I don’t really want to discuss on the internet) that I just can’t even.
Has your renovation ever felt hopeless? Tell me your stories of hope in the comments.
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