The first of the garden produce is in! Most of my lettuce and spinach did not come up, but this butter crunch lettuce really delivered.
I was initially worried about my carrots, but they few that managed to come up are doing great! Bonus: no thinning required. Please forgive the weeds in the pictures. This is real life, not Pinterest.
The beans and peas are flourishing, and my zucchini, squash, and pumpkins all have blooms on them.
There have been a lot of casualties. 4/12 tomatoes and 3/12 peppers have survived. Most of my lettuce, spinach, and herbs are laughable. I have maybe 5 beets and 3 Swiss chard. I’ve also noticed that the late varieties that I’ve planted are not doing as well as the early varieties.
Oh well, hopefully next year will go better.
How is your garden growing? Let me know in the comments?
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