I wasn’t going to do any more floral arrangements for awhile, but a trip to my Mom’s proved otherwise. The lilies were in bloom, there were a few good white peonies left, and I simply couldn’t resist. Do you have some peonies, lilies, yarrow, and ferns in your yard? If yes, go cut some stems and make this easy bouquet!!
I’m not super sure what the yellow-green small flower is. I liked it and thought it would make a nice contrast. The yarrow I used looked white when I collected it, but up against the peony it’s kind of pink. If you have pure white that would look better.
When you’re cleaning up your stems, make sure you cut off the stamen of the lilies as they will stain your clothes and table linens. The lily on the right is trimmed, so you can see the difference.
Use the same method that we used in the peony bridal bouquet. Start with the flowers you want in the middle, and keep adding in a spiral until you have your circle shape.
When you have your desired size and shape, finish it off with the ferns at the bottom. Wrap a ribbon or string around the bouquet where your hand is holding everything together. Pin, tie, or tuck your ribbon, and trim the stems so they are even.
There you have it!
A lovely bouquet good enough for your table. . .
or even a wedding!
Have a yard full of peonies? For more ideas on how you can enjoy them in your home, check out our post on 5 ways with peonies.
Did you make this, or something inspired by it? I’d love to see it! Find me on Instagram @shifting_roots or post it in the comments.
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