In my last post I talked about our not-so-great outdoor space at the house. The garden space left much to be admired, so I made a plan B and am gardening at my mother-in-law’s acreage. There is a ton of space, so I’m lucky enough to be able to plant the garden of my dreams. Possibly nightmares come September.
Here’s the garden plan so far:
If you can’t make out everything in the picture, the rows are as follows:
- Early Red Potatoes
- Late Red Potatoes
- Carrots and Parsnips
- Yellow Onions
- Salad Bowl Lettuce, Early Spinach, 5 Colour Swiss Chard, Butter Crunch Lettuce, and a later variety of Spinach. Still looking for Kale seeds in the stores.
- Alaska Peas (earlier growing) and Arrow Peas (later growing)
- Basil, Rosemary, Oregano, Dill, Spanish Onions (to be used as green onions), and Cylindric Beets
- Green Beans & Yellow Beans
- More Beets and Beans
- Yellow Zucchini & Green Zucchini
- Cucumbers
- Space left for tomatoes
- Zinnias, Marigolds, and Sweet peas
I read up on companion planting and tried my best to follow it. Here’s a useful chart if you’d like to give it a try.
Every row is 50 feet. I’ve left space for tomatoes, and peppers will go by the potatoes. We might also plant some watermelon, squash, and pumpkins. I had wanted to start my own tomatoes and peppers as I’ve done in the past, but the stress of having two houses was a bit much.
My garden starts where the old sunflower is and ends approximately where I am fake hoeing for the camera. About 4 hours later the garden looks like this:
Thankfully, I had my sweet little helper by my side during the cooler hours of this process.
I used to dread helping my parents & grandma garden as a girl on the farm, but it’s a lot different now that its my own. Unfortunately, I think I blocked out a lot of those memories. I feel like I should know what to do but am drawing a big blank. As my mother-in-law says, “things grow, so not to worry.”
Hopefully it all grows. In the meantime, I’m enjoying playing in the dirt.
Do you have a garden this year? What are you growing? I love seeing your comments!
Kristen Raney
Kristen Raney
Kristen Raney